Company Info

Company Info

Where did the name Clix come from?

The name “Clix” comes from the sound the tablet dispenser makes when it dispenses a Clix microdosing tablet. The name also conveys the feeling when everything in life starts to come together..Until it Clix

How do you test your products?

Our cannabis is tested by our farm and extraction partners before it arrives to the production facility.  Post production we administer another round of testing to ensure our products are safe for consumption and to give accurate potency of our products.

I love the Clix lifestyle and what it represents.  How do I work with Clix?

Email [email protected] for job opportunities.  

I’m an artist.  How do I submit my work?

Email [email protected] with your IG, website and CV.

What does Clix do to support the community?

We work closely with the arts community of Oakland by working with local artists to facilitate large scale murals, art installations and gallery exhibitions. Learn more.